Written by six-year-old Malachai and drawn by his brother Ethan Nicolle, 30, this comic is delight incarnate. It's also violent, hysterical, inventive, clever, well plotted, and beautifully drawn. Now it's getting the Dark Horse treatment with a compilation of the first 70 episodes of the web comic, complete with Axe Cop's prickly advice column, a pin-up gallery, commentary by Ethan, and a foreword by Kevin Murphy of Mystery Science Theater 3000. It's not
out until Wednesday, December 22, but come to Bridge City Comics tomorrow for a chance to get it early. There will also be cookies and adorable children coloring with crayons.
Axe Cop Vol. 1 by Ethan and Malachai Nicolle
Signing, collaboration demonstration, cookies, coloring
Bridge City Comics, 3725 N Mississippi
Sat Dec 18, 3-5 pm, free, all ages
You can read my piece in this week's paper, but check out the full interview after the jump where Ethan and I talk poop jokes, Die Hard starring a man dressed as a baby, and what the future holds for everyone's favorite baby-hating, dino-riding, axe-wielding cop.
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