The use of MT Framework for Mega Man Legends 3 Project fulfills one of the engine's unofficial purposes. In a 1UP interview in 2007, Keiji Inafune mentioned that the lead programmer on Legends, who helped create the engine, told him that the engine was 'ready' for a Legends game. 'All I need is the 'go' and we can slap Mega Man in there.'
Eguchi also announced the winner of the Bonne Mecha design contest. 'Donner Wels' is a bipedal, fish-tailed thing with an electric whip. 'Bear in mind,' Eguchi said, 'we will do a bit of revising and 'recipe-altering' on our end in the interest of quality and what-have-you. So please bear with us and look forward to seeing how this mech ultimately turns out!'